Azure Fundamentals

About the course

Azure Fundamentals is an IT training course designed to help you learn about cloud computing, managing Azure services, storage, databases and data analytics, app services, and more. Each online training session will guide you through step-by-step and help you learn what you need to know to go on and gain your Microsoft certification. For details about certification exams, please speak with your course advisor.

Azure Fundamentals

Your details

Training Centre


Course Info

Duration 30 hours (Actual course duration will vary from individual to individual, based on prior skills and application.)
Training Type Course
Study Type In centre, Online

Awards & Qualifications

Awarded 30 CPD points upon successful completion

Is this course right for me?

Is this course for you?

This course is great for anyone looking to develop technical knowledge and skills using Microsoft Azure. It is designed for beginners to cloud-based solutions and services.

Awarded 30 CPD points upon successful completion
Duration 30 hours (Actual course duration will vary from individual to individual, based on prior skills and application.)

Course Content

Course Outline

Module 1

Cloud Computing, including cloud types, Azure IaaS, PaaS, SaaS, Cloud migration.

Module 2

Managing Azure Services, including the Azure mobile app, PowerShell, creating resource groups, cloud shell.

Module 3

Subscriptions & ARM Templates, including Azure resource manager templates, deploying templates using PowerShell, CLI, Portal and Editor.

Module 4

Networking, including Azure virtual networks, managing Azure IP addresses, Azure virtual network gateway.

Module 5

Azure Storage, including Azure managed disks, creating a storage account, Azure files usage, configuring Azure file storage, configuring Azure file sync.

Module 6

Databases & Data Analytics, including deploying Azure database for MySQL, SQL managed instance, Cosmos DB, Azure synapse analytics, Azure HDinsight.

Module 7

Azure Virtual Machines & Security Groups, including deploying an Azure virtual machine scale set, Azure dedicated hosts, network security groups, managing network security groups using the portal, CLI, PowerShell.

Module 8

Azure Ad & Windows Virtual Desktop, including creating Azure AD tenant, creating Azure AD users using the portal, configuring Azure MFA, manage Windows virtual desktop host pools.

Module 9

Resource governance, including Azure subscription policies and initiatives, Azure blueprints, assigning built-in RBAC roles, tagging Azure resources, locking Azure resources using the portal.

Module 10

App Services, including deploying an HTML Azure app service, configuring an app service HTTPS binding, Azure application gateway.

Module 11

Software Development, including Azure and GitHub, creating an Azure logic app, Azure and application containerisation, deploying an Azure container registry.

Module 12

Security & Compliance, including PII and
data privacy standards, using Azure advisor, configuring Azure firewall, Azure key vault usage, accessing storage accounts with keys and SASs.

Module 13

Monitoring & Cost Management, including Azure monitoring and service health, using log analytics workspaces, configuring alert notifications, analysing Azure costs, configuring billing alerts, applying Azure cost management best practices.


  • Access to our LiveTutor service to answer content or learning queries
    on a 24/7 basis
  • The opportunity to gain industry-recognised certification
  • The opportunity to gain the widely recognised Pitman Training certificate
  • Access your courseware anytime, anywhere

Course Overview

Aims and Objectives

This Azure Fundamentals course is designed to help you learn how to work with the Microsoft Azure environment and will prepare you for the Microsoft Azure Fundamentals certification exam.

Career Path

This recognised Microsoft certification will help set you on the path to a rewarding IT career. With this training and experience, you could work towards jobs, such as Azure Administrator, Cloud Engineer, and Azure Developer.


This course is suitable for beginners with an interest in IT.

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